Nov 18, 2022
Kim Stoll, the Board Chair of Milwaukee Women Inc and Vice President at Badger Meter and Rotary member Mara Swan, President, Xceleration -Human Capital Consulting will provide insights on how to move forward on the critical issues facing women in leadership today.
Nov 11, 2022
On November 8th, Rotary held our Veterans Day Program with Dan Buttery, CEO of the War Memorial and Chuck Konsitzke, Team Lead for the University of Wisconsin Missing-In-Action Recovery and Identification Project (UW MIA RIP). Dan spoke on the recently opened Medal Of Honor exhibit at the War Memorial Center....
Nov 4, 2022
Every Tuesday the Rotary Club of Milwaukee hosts speakers on important topics of the day. During election season, the Club routinely invites candidates to address the Club and answer questions from members. Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes addressed the club on November 1st.