Apr 24, 2012
Journal Sentinel Editor and Sr. Vice President Marty Kaiser, who is leading the company's digital initiatives, gave a presentation on how the Journal Sentinel has moved from a publishing company to a media company to adjust to changing habits of media consumers. The presentation also included one of the first public...
Apr 17, 2012
Ellen Gilligan, President and CEO of the Greater Milwaukee Foundation, provides an overview of Milwaukee Succeeds – the new broad-based community partnership of educators, business leaders, government entities, non-profits, parents, and other civic and community leaders. They have joined forces to focus on success...
Apr 10, 2012
Government Accountability Board Director and General Counsel Kevin Kennedy will be front and center during what promises to be an historic election year in Wisconsin. Kennedy and the G.A.B. staff oversee Wisconsin’s campaign finance, elections, ethics, and lobbying laws. At Rotary, he discussed the recall election for...
Apr 3, 2012
In response to his recent opinion letter in the Journal Sentinel about the failure of Milwaukee leadership to address the real issues facing the City of Milwaukee, the Rotary Club of Milwaukee asked John Byrnes to speak about his views of how and where we have missed out, what opportunities we have before us now, and...