Oct 22, 2019
The U.N. and the Realities of Interdependence
Dr. Payam Akhavan joins us for our 15th annual U.N. Day Program. He teaches and researches on public international law, international dispute settlement, international criminal law, human rights and cultural pluralism at McGill University. In 2017, he delivered the CBC Massey Lectures, In Search of a Better World. A Human Rights Odyssey, in five different Canadian cities. He was the first Legal Advisor to the Prosecutor’s Office of the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda at The Hague (1994-2000) and made significant contributions to its foundational jurisprudence. He has also served in the field with the UN in Bosnia, Croatia, Cambodia, Guatemala, Timor Leste, and Rwanda. He is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada and the New York State bar and has appeared as counsel and advocate in leading cases before the various international courts and the Supreme Courts of Canada and the United States.