Nov 27, 2012
In 2009, the University of Wisconsin decided to build the state’s first nationally accredited school of public health at UW-Milwaukee. The Joseph J. Zilber School of Public Health is preparing a new generation of skilled leaders for the public’s health and advancing relevant research whose findings can be translated into eective prevention programs and policies. What difference will it make in our work to prevent infant mortality, address the obesity epidemic, or increase access to quality health care? When we create conditions for everyone at every age and stage to have equal chances and fullest choices for being healthy, we are working for the ‘public’s health.’ It’s the smart and right thing to do for people, for communities, and for business. Dean Magda Peck describes how a school of public health can contribute to this triple bottom line in Milwaukee and beyond.
Please forgive sound quality issues as there were problem with the AV system during the recording of this program.