Aug 11, 2023
Scott Walker, former two-term Wisconsin governor, spoke at the Rotary luncheon on Tuesday, August 8, in conjunction with the Milwaukee Press Club and Walker now is president of Young America’s Foundation [YAF], an outreach organization that introduces young adults to principles of conservatism such as individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values. The foundation is a partner with Fox News in the first Republican presidential primary debate for the 2024 election cycle, scheduled for August 23 at Fiserv Forum. Walker, who briefly sought the Republican presidential nomination in 2016, has urged former President Donald Trump to take part in the debate. Trump, the current Republican front-runner, has not committed despite such criticism and has said he might hold an alternative event. Walker took questions from a panel of journalists and from the audience at the luncheon, moderated by Milwaukee Press Club President Maryann Lazarski, series/documentary producer for Milwaukee PBS.