Feb 21, 2017
Charlie Sykes, long time host of WTMJ Radio 620's Midday talk show, stepped down from his post at the end of the year. He is now a contributor to MSNBC and was recently named one of the hosts of "Indivisible," a show on WNYC, public radio's flag ship station in New York City. Sykes is the author of eight books including A Nation of Victims, Dumbing Down Our Kids, ProfScam, The Hollow Men, The End of Privacy, 50 Rules Kids Won't Learn In School, A Nation of Moochers, and Fail U. He is editor-in-chief of RightWisconsin.com and also edits WI Interest, a magazine published by the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute. He is a former reporter for The Milwaukee Journal and former editor of Milwaukee Magazine. He is currently working a book titled, "How the Right Lost It's mind," which will be published later this year by St. Martin's Press.